
DATA Download

All data on the BOARDS database is available on as of July 26, 2022, and contains the latest data.
All information and materials on BOARDS are posted for direct public access. Information and materials have been published for easy use for research or academic purposes.
For cases which use the resources provided by BOARDS in research or for commercial purposes, content used can be cited as ____.

This web page is where you can download the full data (plain text, structural data) of the BOARDS database.
The predicted protein structure information of individual AMR genes can be downloaded from browse webpage.

Download BOARDS database
Version Infomation File format Updated date Action
Version Infomation File format Updated date Action
1.0.0 Initial release of the BOARDS database FASTA(Nucleotide sequence), FAA(amino-acid sequence) 2023/08/08 Download
Predicted Protein Structure files 2023/08/08 Download

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Software Version Description Link
Software Version Description Link
1.0.0 RADAR pipeline Rapid Analysis and Detection tool of Antimicrobial-Resistance: Rapid pipeline for Whole-Genome Sequences(WGS) analysis Go to Github Repository


1. Alcock, B. P., Raphenya, A. R., Lau, T. T., Tsang, K. K., Bouchard, M., Edalatmand, A., ... & McArthur, A. G. (2020). CARD 2020: antibiotic resistome surveillance with the comprehensive antibiotic resistance database. Nucleic acids research, 48(D1), D517-D525.
2. Lahey clinic ESBL database ( : accessed on April 2017 ).